
Showing posts from May, 2022

Bringing The Outdoor Beauty Inside Your Home & Office With Biophilia Interior Design

The first image that comes to mind when someone thinks of complete relaxation is likely to be a place surrounded by nature, such as a forest, mountains, sea, or meadow. An office or a retail mall are rarely thought of as places of comfort and leisure. Most people still spend about 80% of their time indoors, commuting from their homes to their workplaces. Architects & designers are now searching for design solutions that will resonate well into the future, turning to 'biophilia' as an essential source of inspiration that promotes well-being, health, and emotional comfort. Therefore, adding Biophilia Interior Design to your workspace or home can bring positiveness & freshness to your space.   What exactly is biophilia? Since the dawn of civilization, nature has functioned as humans' natural environment, providing shelter, food, and healing. Fast forward to the present day, when the industrial and technological revolutions reshaped how humans interact with natur